Air Conditioning Quick Recovery Tips

Air Conditioning Quick Recovery Tips

Note: If your air conditioning system is not cooling, we understanding how critical this can be during periods of high humidity and extreme temperatures.  We will do everything possible within our authority to get your system up and running as soon as possible.   Before dispatching an air conditioning vender after hours or on weekends, we would ask that you consider the checklist below, as this may help solve the problem and provide immediate relief.  The staff member on call with look up the maintenance data on your home and determine if the property owner has a maintenance contract, active warranty or designated vender before locating and dispatching a vender who is willing to respond after hours.

If your system is cooling, but does not seem adequate under extreme conditions, please consider the following: Most units are designed to cool the home to a temperature that is not more that 15-20 degrees below the exterior temperature, so 95-100+ degrees outside temperatures could yield an interior temperature in the low 80